The Insider busts Putin for Conniving at Satanism

by | Aug 23, 2024 | Spiritual Justice Warriors, updates


Public domain: Gustave Dore’s rendering of Satan from Paradise Lost courtesy of Wikipedia.

Alexandra Makhacheva at The Insider revealed the truly satanic nature of Putin’s revanchist attack on Ukraine.  Excerpt:

A “holy” war

In September 2022, at the ceremony “accepting” the Russian-occupied Ukrainian territories of Kherson, Zaporizhzhia, Donetsk, and Luhansk into Russia, Vladimir Putin once again spoke about the West, demonizing it in the literal sense: “Such a complete denial of man, the subversion of faith and traditional values, and the suppression of freedom takes on the characteristics of religion in reverse – outright Satanism.” Aping Putin, Kremlin propagandists picked up the term.

In one of many examples, the often-cited talk show host Vladimir Solovyov asserted that the authorities in Ukraine, the U.S., and Western Europe serve the “prince of darkness” and equated negotiating with Ukraine to “bargaining with Satan.” As part of an extended rant, Solovyov, who until recently vacationed every summer at his villa on Lake Como in Italy, reasoned that, “In fact, if you think about it, what we see is Satanism. Demons, that’s the only way to put it. … If we are dealing with the cronies of the prince of darkness, if we are dealing with a satanic entity, what kind of negotiations are we even talking about? How can you bargain with Satan? They kept lying all the time. It is the basis of Western satanic civilization.” Solovyov said. He went on to compare a potential nuclear strike against the West to the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah in the Old Testament.

Meanwhile, plagued with personnel shortages, the Russian military command is releasing murderers, cannibals, and serial rapists from prisons, promising them pardons in exchange for taking up arms. Some of them are real life Satanists, convicted of ritual murder. The Kremlin insists that these felons “atone for their guilt with blood” at the front.


Glory to Ukraine!