Chris Snow, at Medium, on the death spiral of the Russian “Potemkin Village” economy. Excerpt: The collapse of the Russian Potemkin village economy is accelerating, the Ruble is collapsing, and Dr. Steve Hanke states that inflation is 4 higher than the...
Foreign Policy reveals that “Russia Can’t Keep Spending Like This for Long.” Excerpt (full column paywalled): By Agathe Demarais, a columnist at Foreign Policy and a senior policy fellow on geoeconomics at the European Council on Foreign...
Chris Snow, at Medium, exposes the extreme fragility of the Russian Federation economy. Excerpt: The international purchasing power of Russia has heavily decreased in the past 10 years. Once we adjust the Russian GDP growth figures with the lower rubble, we...
Chris Snow at Medium predicts the Russian Federations imminent economic collapse. Excerpt: The collapse of the Russian economy is accelerating, defense spending is increasing to 40 percent in 2025, barter trade, the collapsing ruble, and Russian bond markets...
“Vadym Novynskyi is a Ukrainian businessman, priest and former politician of Armenian descent. He is the owner of the Ukrainian Smart Holding Group with an estimated net worth of $1.9 billion in March 2013. He is also a protodeacon as part of the Ukrainian...